Sunday, April 1, 2012

Starting New

So this is like the third time I have started a blog. I have little faith that I will make blogging a habit but by-golly I am going to try! Again:) The issue with blogging that I am having is the lack of exciting things happening sooo I don't quite know what to write about. Maybe I should start some sort of experiment and then write about it. ( I will think about it and get back to you).

My mom on the other hand has started a blog and an experiment all in one! I will post the link to her blog as soon as I figure out what it is. Basically she bought a commuter bike and is going to start biking to work. She lives like 20 miles from work and its uphill both ways! I am thinking of doing the same thing. I live 2.4 miles from work and its totally flat going and coming. So back to the bike she purchased well lets just say her budget is a tad larger than mine so I am undecided on what I should do. Her bike is totally custom and all pimped out, can't wait to see pictures! I chatted with one of the Deans at my work the other day who commutes daily 6 miles each way and says its a breeze! With gas prices out of control and having to park 2 miles from my office anyway I might as well bike! I will get back to you on this later :)

Lets talk motivation, if someone has some I need to borrow it. I talk about biking but what the treadmil sitting in my living room taking up space. How do I motivate my self to get on it? Hang up some skinny cloths, or naked fat pictures of myself, lol? My question to the people who read my blog, which is probably 0, What motivates you?


Becky said...

YAY! I'm glad you're going to blog again!! I have a pretty non-eventful life but I still post about weekly to keep a record for my kids of their younger years.
I started running at the gym about 2 months ago. I only get there once or twice a week but I'm up to 3 miles! Here is my motivation: I've been exercising consistently (almost daily) the last 7 months but it wasn't until I started running that I could see those long-last muscles making a come back (under layers of fat - I start Weight Watchers this week!!). I think biking to work would be a blast! You go, girl!!

The mixed up Westwoods said...

Becky, YES! My one and only reader :)