Saturday, May 26, 2012

We found a house and my dogs love pancakes

Well I accidentally stumbled upon a piece of property with a cute little fixer upper and now wouldn't yah know we are trying to buy it.   5 acres in Alachua, I will blog more on this later....In the mean time just so you all know, I pretty much always make pancakes for breakfast on Saturday (the kids love them) and so do Jojo and Sammie :) ...Every Saturday morning they sit next to me while I cook and watch my every move, its pretty cute actually.  Of course I don't give them syrup that would be just plane silly, besides I don't want them to get diabetes! (joke). 
Greg has been doing all of his rotations at UF, and I am happy to report he has finally chosen which residency he wants to go into.  He starts applying this summer, and then we find out where he matches on March 15th.  Anyway I am happy to report he has chosen Family Medicine, I know its shocking, especially because he always said this is NOT what he wants to do.  Funny how life works out!  Oh and you guessed it we are trying to stay here in Gainesville, Florida.  We just love it here!  I love my job, the people, the short distance to the beach, the weather, all of it!  Oh and Trent is applying to colleges this summer, wow I am old!! And the "triplets" will be finishing second grade in a couple weeks, whooaa when did they get so big?  Time goes by fast, enjoy it! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Working mom, I love it!

Well its been six months since I started working again and I have to say its pretty great!  Don't get me wrong it gets hectic and we often end up having Top Ramen for dinner but all in all life is pretty fantastic right now.  Greg will be applying for residencies this summer, and of course the plan is to stay in Gainesville.  I love Florida and everything about it, well everything except the love bugs (google it).  Trent is applying at various Universities around the state this summer, wow when did he get so big, or actually better question is when did I get so old?  The triplets are doing pretty good, they have school all day and then go to the YMCA after school, where they involve various activities like swimming, fishing, basket ball etc.

Gotta jet, will blog some more later in the week :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who is in charge of this......?

I rented a movie, I looked at the Genre and it said "family", soooo I thought this is perfect for my "family"......ummm yah, thats a BIG NO!  Who is in charge of deciding which film fits which genre?  Seriously, ok so maybe I should google the answer to this question (I looked couldn't find the answer, help)!  Oh I bet you are wondering what film I am referring to, "we bought a zoo".   The Genre I would chose would be Drama, just sayin.  The film was lousy by the way, it barely kept my attention.  Matt Damon and Scarlette Johansson you let me down, the little girl was cute though. And thats my movie review of the week!  :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blockbuster Express is not very 'express'

I miss the video store.  You know which kind I am talking about, not the red box nor blockbuster express, the kind of video store where you walked in and there were rows and rows of DVD's lining the walls to look at.  Yes I will agree blockbuster express and red box are somewhat convenient, however the lines at those things are very annoying.  I am pretty sure they take just as long to rent a movie as it did back in the day when we actually went into a video store, just sayin.  Also if there is a line of people behind me I feel rushed and often do not even get a movie because I feel like I don't have time to chose.  I know what you are thinking, "just go online and reserve it", good thought, however this could take just as long because again you have to wait in line to get the movie you reserved.  All I am saying is, bring back the video store, I liked it! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Obtaining Sustainability

In the not to distant future Greg and I want to create a place that sustains itself.  Ok so what I am talking about is not some HOBO style mobile home in the middle of the woods with chickens in the house.  Though I did once have goats in my house, more on that later.  So back to this self sustaining residence.  Of course we want it to be in Florida since we are completely in love with this part of the country.  I want a modest house (4-5 bedrooms), hard wood floors, etc.  Solar panels, a roof that collects rain (had this in the Caribbean and thought it was genious) a garden, chickens, etc.  Maybe a cow, some goats.  I was thinking 5-10 acres.  I want to be off the grid but not in a hippie way, does that make sense?  I should have titled this blog as "thoughts of a mad woman". Dang it, my blogs are going to be short for two reasons, first I am at work, second my head jumps from thought to thought and this one is over for the moment.  Final note, I need some crockpot recipes (no red meat), post them if you know of some good ones :). 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Starting New

So this is like the third time I have started a blog. I have little faith that I will make blogging a habit but by-golly I am going to try! Again:) The issue with blogging that I am having is the lack of exciting things happening sooo I don't quite know what to write about. Maybe I should start some sort of experiment and then write about it. ( I will think about it and get back to you).

My mom on the other hand has started a blog and an experiment all in one! I will post the link to her blog as soon as I figure out what it is. Basically she bought a commuter bike and is going to start biking to work. She lives like 20 miles from work and its uphill both ways! I am thinking of doing the same thing. I live 2.4 miles from work and its totally flat going and coming. So back to the bike she purchased well lets just say her budget is a tad larger than mine so I am undecided on what I should do. Her bike is totally custom and all pimped out, can't wait to see pictures! I chatted with one of the Deans at my work the other day who commutes daily 6 miles each way and says its a breeze! With gas prices out of control and having to park 2 miles from my office anyway I might as well bike! I will get back to you on this later :)

Lets talk motivation, if someone has some I need to borrow it. I talk about biking but what the treadmil sitting in my living room taking up space. How do I motivate my self to get on it? Hang up some skinny cloths, or naked fat pictures of myself, lol? My question to the people who read my blog, which is probably 0, What motivates you?